A pumpkin-season post in the paws of #teampixel

  • The dog days of summer are over—and, depending on where you play fetch, the darkest days of winter are, too. Inspired by one of the pups of #teampixel this week, we imagined how a dog might experience these season-changing photos:

    Switching back to a human perspective, we have some good news for fellow #teampixel enthusiasts: @googlepixel is our new Instagram channel dedicated to highlighting the talent and creativity found within the #teampixel community. This space will be used to curate and showcase your many passions, side hustles, travels and struggles—everything that informs and adds color to your lives. Follow @googlepixel to keep up with the latest and, as always, keep tagging all your fantastic shots with #teampixel for the chance to be featured!


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