docker-compose help help - Get help on a command.

docker-machine help config - Print the connection config for machine

docker-compose help bundle - Generate a Distributed Application Bundle (DAB) from the Compose file.

docker-compose help scale - Set number of containers to run for a service.

docker-compose help images - List images used by the created containers.

docker-compose help pause - Pause services.

docker-compose help config - Validate and view the Compose file.

docker-machine help create - Create a machine

docker-compose help ps - List containers.

docker-compose help up - Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.

docker-compose help create - Creates containers for a service.

docker-compose help push - Pushes images for services.

docker-compose help start - Start existing containers.

docker-compose help exec - Execute a command in a running container

docker-compose help version - Show version information

docker-machine help active - Print which machine is active

docker-compose help restart - Restart running containers.

docker-compose help kill - Force stop service containers.

docker-compose help rm - Removes stopped service containers.

docker-compose help build - Build or rebuild services.

docker-compose help unpause - Unpause services.

docker-compose help run - Run a one-off command on a service.

docker-compose help logs - View output from containers.

docker-compose help top - Display the running processes

docker-compose help stop - Stop running containers without removing them.

docker-machine help inspect - Inspect information about a machine

docker-machine help env - Display the commands to set up the environment for the Docker client

docker-compose help down - Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images

docker-compose help pull - Pulls images for services defined in a Compose file, but does not start the containers.

docker-compose help port - Print the public port for a port binding.

docker-compose help events - Receive real time events from containers.

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